Homemade Food Photos | Vancouver Food Photography

This past summer I worked for Daniela Ciuffa Photography. I learned the basics of lighting, from shooting in studio to shooting natural light. Moreover, I learned a lot about portrait photography, food photography and wedding photography. After three months of working with the fabulous Daniela, I can officially say that I gained lots of experience in the field of photography and cannot wait to put everything I have learned into my last year of uni. We spent a sunny afternoon shooting delicious homemade food on our patio with food photographer Martin Szabo who is amazing at what he does. My dad made a lot of his favourites (suckling pig belly) and mum her desserts and infamous pizza. The photos speak truly for the food. Everything looked and tasted delicious!IMG_6311-7 IMG_6315-9 IMG_6318-11 IMG_6334-19 IMG_6339-22 IMG_6342-25 IMG_6353-32 IMG_6374-41 IMG_6378-43 IMG_6379-44